Jessore Polytechnic Institute(JPI) have a boys hostel. Name of this hostel is "Shohid Addhokkho Sultan Uddin Satrabas". There are lived 246 student. The hostel have a prayer room , a coomon room , a dining room , a kitchen room etc. This hostel have a good environment for study. I hope that many student come here for study.
Thank You...........
excellent,awesome,fabulous...........really these scenery of JPI is very charming.After all,i think a suitable environment for study.......i hope &wish all of the students will use this for develop their career.Be well JPI & all of the Students.
excellent,awesome,fabulous...........really these scenery of JPI is very charming.After all,i think a suitable environment for study.......i hope &wish all of the students will use this for develop their career.Be well JPI & all of the Students.